Admin Dashboard
Manage your resources (Add new libraries, see student payments, see enrolled students etc)
💰 Withdrawal Requests
Manage tutor withdrawal requests
Pending Requests
Payments for the Libraries you have added
Overall payments amount

👨🏫 Tutor Statistics
Overview of tutor performance and earnings
Total Active Tutors
Your Earnings from Tutors (30%)
Life-time Earnings
Total earnings from your libraries, tutor subscription fees (K500), and 30% tutor commission share
Overall Company Revenue
Your Libraries
The libraries you have added so far
Overall number of Libraries Added

Enrolled Students

💳 Tutor Memberships
Track tutor membership payments
Total Membership Revenue
Total Paid Members
⚡ Payment Overwrites available
Manage payment overwrites for user who paid but could not access the files
Pending Overwrites